Tuesday 22 January 2019

'Birdstories' Uncovering the Secrets of New Zealand Birds

Birdstories is my new go-to book! When I was pondering which shelf to put it on - next to the field guides or among the nature prose, it occurred to me that since this book won’t be staying on the shelf for long, it might as well stay on my table, given the number of times I’ll be referring back to it. 
Birdstories: a history of birds of New Zealand by Geoff Norman, published by Potton & Burton

Rich in information, Birdstories, takes one group of birds at a time - there’s a chapter on kiwi, one on eagles and falcons, another on cuckoos and so on.  Each chapter discusses the history of the bird(s) in question - both in terms of ancestry but also human interaction. You'll find answers here on how it got its scientific name, whether it appears in whaktaukÄ«, in some cases what aided its extinction, in others how it's hanging on to survive.

As such it’s perfect for dipping into and reading about one bird or group of birds a day. Certainly reading from cover to cover builds a picture of the place of our birds in the world’s biodiversity and of the human impact, but those that are daunted by the size of the book or who enjoy short bursts of reading will find it perfect for dipping in and reading one topic of interest at a time.

A delightful aspect of Birdstories is the inclusion of early illustrations of the birds, as well as images of their appearance in modern day art or on everyday objects. Also of interest are the short essays interspersed among the chapters on related topics such as, a biography of Walter Buller, 19th Century illustration, legislation to protect birds, and so on.

Birdstories is the book I’ll be directing all my fellow trampers and bird-appreciating friends to next time an intriguing bird question comes up. Several recent discussions come to mind - about the piopio (now extinct), cuckoos and which nests they choose, how the rifleman is a wren and so on - which would all have been answered by this book.  Sadly few New Zealanders have heard of the piopio (now extinct), know which birds’ nests the different cuckoos lay their eggs in, or are aware that New Zealand’s wrens have an interesting evolutionary history. Birdstories will help unravel these mysteries and brings to light some species which until know have been ‘best kept secrets’.  

Now I’m waiting eagerly for 'Reptilestories', 'Mammalstories' and 'Invertebratestories'. I’d enjoy a similar treatment of the tuatara and our lizards, or short-tailed bat and giant snail, for example. For those whose curiosity is similarly picqued, I’d recommend Ghosts of Gondwana by George Gibbs as their follow-on read.

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