Sunday 29 November 2015

Signs of Spring and Summer - and the first cicada

The white star-shaped flowers of the clematis vine hung across the green trees across the valley, were the very first signs of spring.  
Native clematis

Then there was the first call of the shining cuckoo. Through October and November flowers have been appearing on vines
Native jasmine

and trees, 

on epiphytes
Spring orchid

on the ground 
Orobanche minor

and on bushes. 
Native gloxinia

Nesting birds are discovered, fantail's nest high above the garden path, a silver eye's smooth bowl of a nest hangs outside the kitchen window. The tramping group treks further afield despite the likelihood of wind and rain in the spring months. 

This is the cabbage tree's year, laden with flowers, its strong scent fills the gardens and parks.

Cabbage tree or Ti Kouka

In two days, summer officially begins, but today I heard the first cicada. 

So for me summer has already begun.